Wednesday, June 29, 2011

~ you're special {quilled butterfly}

~ one more quilled butterfly to share with you
I love how the orange pops off the card on this one

green is my all time, absolute, hands down favourite colour
but {as you can see by my blog} orange is a very close second

thanks for taking the time to come visit me


  1. WOW!

    You've been quilling up a storm this last week ; )
    Your designs are so elegant, simple, and whimsical! I love them... You make me want to start quilling again!

  2. I love butterflies and this is very beautiful! Love this card!

  3. What a pretty butterfly. I like how you did the body. I haven't tried doing anything like that yet. I'm still sticking with the basics :)

  4. like the colors, it was beautiful!


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