Tuesday, August 2, 2011

~ happy happy birthday {stacked prezzies}

~ thanks for following a long on my little weekend away
we had a fantastic time and I took oodles of pictures of that fantastic few

but now we are back to our regularly scheduled program

here is a stack of quilled prezzies with a flourish on the top
and it is done in 1/4" strips

I love all {well most} of my quilling 
but this one is right at the top of my favourites

 I think it is the flourish on the top
I can see making many more of these 
in all of the colours under the rainbow

thanks for stopping by
it might be on the quiet side around here for a while 
since I am quilling all of the pieces for the nativity and animals
there are A LOT of pieces and the animals take a while to finish

but I do hope to have the odd card thrown in here there
~ cheryl


  1. love the bow!, cant wait to see your nativity, bet its gorgeous!!

  2. thanks Paula...I love it too

    you can see the nativity here http://www.etsy.com/listing/60681692/quilled-nativity-scene and here http://cardsbycheryl.blogspot.com/2010/09/white-quilled-natvity.html

  3. You surprise me again and Beautiful!
    Greetings Baukje

  4. It's so cute. I love the little flourish on the top. I can see why you like this so much.

  5. Lovely card Cheryl...


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