Wednesday, August 31, 2011

~ quilled hello kitty

~ hello bloggers
for my next card request I was asked to make a hello kitty wedding shower card

I had the head done but the body was just not working out 
so I must admit that I had to go {again} to my fellow quillers for inspiration

so after wasting a ton of quilling paper I did a Google search 
and found this blog post by Lika Hanyuu

 and by just seeing how she did the neck {based on a picture she found}
the rest came together so thank you Lika 

she has some really cute quilling on her blog so if you can stop by to take a look

and the entire time I was making it all I kept thinking of was
hello wedding

so that's what I put on the card
and the client LOVED it
and I did too

~ cheryl


  1. I told him I'm going to save him once as you do not mind I love it BEAUTIFUL!
    Greetings Baukje

  2. Such a cute card!!! :-)

  3. Oh Cheryl, beautiful indeed, inspiring and so graceful the way you tell us about inspiration.

  4. Soooooo cute, you really out did yourself on this one, love it!!!!!

  5. So, so cute! Thanks for sharing, you are always an inspiration! And love the sentiment!

  6. I love it too. So so cute, I'll have to show it to my daughter - she was on a hello kitty kick last year.

  7. It's adorable. A very unique card, one that she certainly won't be getting two of. I remember when I got married, there was one card that several people had bought.

  8. The card is stunning! Is it available through your etsy page? If not, could I get more information about purchasing it?

    1. Hi Miss Avilez's Superstars

      it is quite funny that you are asking me this today. This card was a one of a kind but I always had it in my mind to make more and today I made some more cards. They are birthday cards though and say hello birthday.

      your email came in as 'no reply' and I don't see anyway to contact you via your profile so I that is why I am contacting you through this blog post.

      I hope to have the cards posted on my etsy site with-in a week or so but keep checking back to


  9. thanks so much! I look forward to seeing the cards and hopefully purchasing them for my daughter's 1st birthday!

    1. I now have my hello kitty card posted and you can find it here


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