Thursday, October 27, 2011

~ quilled flower card {thinking of you}

~Hello everyone
I am going deep in to Christmas quilling mode {with nativities and cards)
so I won't have much time to blog but I have 7 quilled flower cards that 
I did a few weeks ago that I can share with you

I designed a {very simple} stem in photo shop that I can use as a 
base to create quick and easy cards for a variety of occasions

all I need to do is change the flower and sentiment
to create a new card

I will show you the rest of them over the next 6 posts

you will see more pictures than words {if any}
so I can have more time to quill

~ cheryl


  1. beautiful card!
    Nati from Brazil

  2. Gorgeous :) Simple cards can be very elegant and beautiful :)

  3. I agree with Szalonaisa's, very nice!!!

  4. enjoy all the wonderful creations of yours I love it!
    Greetings from Holland

  5. Cheryl,

    I found your sweet quilling blog yesterday & am working my way back through all your great posts about lovely cards. Thanks for the inspiration as my daughter & I spend more time quilling.

    Marti Schrock
    Franklin, Indiana, USA

  6. Thanks a lot for your comment Marti....I am happy to inspire you


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I read each and every comment and appreciate all of them.