Saturday, November 19, 2011

~ a mountain of treasuries

~ well when it rains it pours 
I have been in 13 treasuries in November but I have
been so busy I am just posting about it now

my plan was to have the link go to each treasury when you clicked the picture below but
I just don't have time to do that so if you get a chance, check them out here....

I hope to do a real blog post next week

~ cheryl


  1. Wow! This is something! Congrats!

  2. Enjoyed looking through all of them! Your creations are amazing, the solid white pieces look so elegant and pristine. I have a feeling you are going to be in many more by the end of the month!

  3. Cheryl, how exciting; those are great treasuries - and your nativity set is fabulous.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I read each and every comment and appreciate all of them.