Friday, January 20, 2012

~ quilled white angel

~ no this is not a valentines card
I changed my mind and decided to wait until Feb to show them

because I just realized I didn't show the (few) Christmas cards I made this year

I used 1/4" quilling paper for this one
it was a bit big so I think I will stick with the 1/8"

but she sparkles and has a bit of bling :)

~ cheryl


  1. Beautiful, Cheryl. Glad you are showing the cards. Such a sweet angel and I love the sparkles and 'bling' :)

  2. that looks fabulous!
    I wish you a very nice weekend here!
    Greetings Baukje

  3. I love angels, I collect them. This one is really cute, love the glitter. You can hand these out anytime of the year!!

  4. I love the sparkle and bling. A very sweet angel.


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