Tuesday, February 28, 2012

~ if the shoe fits {quilled shoe}

~ good morning
as promised, here is something a bit more fun than my last two posts

quilled shoes

and a quote from Marylin Monroe was the perfect 'fit' to the card

I have had some exciting things happening lately that will make it a little quite around here for a while
I have waited until it was a go to share my new orders

right now I am working on 36 first birthday/baptism invitations from my etsy site
you can see the listing here
it is going to take a while to make 36 sheep, trees, flowers and clouds 
but they are going to be super cute when they are done

BUT before I got that order a book store in utah with 38 stores contacted
 me in January to place an order for 200 nativities

YES 200
it is scary and exciting all at the same time

I will need to quill 1600 bodies and heads just to start
I have started and have until September to send the first 100 finished sets

so you might not hear from me as much but I am still here quilling away
~ cheryl


  1. Cheryl, this card is awesome; my coworker would love it - I think she said she owns around 600 pairs of shoes.

    This is your year, how exciting for you!

  2. Wow, those are big orders. Well done! I think quilling is really becoming mainstream - I've just shipped the first 100 of an order for 190 cards. I know how you feel about 1600 bodies and heads. I'm having to make 3420 petals altogether!Jill (Paper Daisy)

    1. thanks Jill....what a great order for you as too. Keep up the fantastic quilling. Your etsy site has been a favourite of mine for a while now but I never knew you had a blog. I am a follower there now too.


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