Saturday, February 4, 2012

~ quilled guitar

~ good morning
this card was another special request for a 70 years young grandfather

they said he had a lot of interests but his LOVE was his acoustic guitar

I hadn't made a guitar before so I made a 'recipe' card
I do this for most of my designs so it is easier to remake them 

I sketch the design {and I am sooo bad at sketching} then I quill each piece, 
figuring out the size of strip to use and what coil to use on the quilling board 

then I figure out the sentiment on the card, print it out, glue the quilling on
take the pictures, upload them and add my watermark

then do the blog post
it is a lot of steps but I have it down to a routine

thanks for taking the time to stop by


  1. It rocks :) Great card and I love your drawing. It seams easy when you do it.

  2. Really nice,another good card for Guy's,like the scetch !!!!

  3. beautiful!
    a very nice weekend
    Greetings Baukje

  4. just before I scrolled down and saw the whole card I thought now that rocks and then there it is on the That's a good one and I like the idea of the recipe card

  5. Great card.... and nice idea of making a recipe card 1st... :)

  6. I love this, Cheryl! So cool to see how you create the patterns for quilling... but this guitar is really fab, would be perfect for my dad :)

  7. Another winner! I like how you made the guitar strings -- very clever.


  8. Love it. Also good to hear how you do your designs, I do the same thing; I have a couple notepads that have my sketches and measurements, if I ever were to lose them I don't know what I'd do.


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