Friday, May 18, 2012

~ chicks rule


 ~ good morning

this cute chick is from one of my favourite quilling books

I know a lot of you have this book but if you don't 
it is worth getting 

 and the quilling tool that comes with it is my favourite

enjoy your day 
~ cheryl


  1. cute chick, and they do rule,lol.
    I do have the book, it was the first one I ordered.
    hugs Paula

  2. that is an adorable card. Love the Chicks rule.
    I have that book too, I should pull it out. I haven't done anything crafty in a long time

  3. beautiful and the colors are gorgeous
    Greetings from Holland Baukje

  4. Your cards always make me smile :) Love this little chicken :)

  5. Hey,

    This wud make a perfect Woman's day card...CHICKS DO RULE!!!!


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