Sunday, June 10, 2012

~ Eiffel Tower

~ good morning

.....we interrupt the regularly schedule post to show you this card I made back in January
it was a special order so I was waiting for a special time to share it

and today is that day because....

as you are reading this I am flying to Paris to celebrate

my 50th birthday

with 4 other wonderful ladies

see you when I get back
don't worry....I have some posts scheduled
check back tomorrow for my mom's card

~ cheryl


  1. Congratulation! have a wonderful trip

  2. love the tower, and the ribbon looks nice,love how you did the wording and used tiny jewels,they really set the lettering off, awesome!
    Hope you enjoy your trip!!!

  3. Happy Birthday and have a wonderful time. What a way to celebrate.

  4. Love everything about this card..

  5. happy birthday Cheryl! enjoy your Paris trip!

  6. Happy Birthday, dear Cheryl! Wish you great time in Paris!
    Lovely card, the quilled Eiffel Tower looks great.

  7. I am not sure if my other comment will be published or not, so I wish you, maybe again, Happy Birthday and a wonderful trip! Love the quilled Eiffel Tower.

  8. that is such a gorgeous tower!! love the card!!

  9. Love this card, what a great idea. Hope you had a fabulous birthday!

  10. OMG!! i just love the card. The Eiffel catch my eyes.


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