Sunday, September 9, 2012

~ a trio of quilled ballerinas

a trio of quilled ballerinas
 ~ good morning
I have more ballerinas to show you


pose 1
I came up with this order for a customer of mine 
whose daughter is a ballerina


pose 2
  she wanted three different poses for her daughter's room 
so instead of putting the ballerinas on a card I framed them


pose 3
I love the look of the antique white frame, paper and quilling
with a splash of colour - so you WILL see more

...and pose 1 is up on my etsy site

I've framed my quilled sheep 
so I'll show you next time

~ cheryl


  1. what a beautiful ballerina
    Greetings Baukje

  2. Ooooh! I love this purple colour, it's my favourite. Love the cute ballerina!

  3. Gorgeous! I can picture them in hanging in her room. So cute.

  4. Oh, my, she is adorable!!! What a great idea! I just love the way they look framed! Brilliant!

  5. OMG!! this frame is perfect for your ballerinas :)

  6. framing them up is really a great idea!

  7. These really are adorable, what a wonderful idea.

  8. LOVE these and yes-yes, so happy to hear they'll be hung as a trio!


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