Tuesday, November 27, 2012

~ wow it's been a while....

no I haven't fallen off the face of the earth
it such a busy time
 it actually has been busy all year
but it's been worth it

I made 200 Nativities
here is the listing

{I've done other stuff too and taken pictures but 
I am also desperately in need of a new computer 
I don't want to upload pictures because both hard drives are 
almost full...a present for myself in the new year I hope} 

I hope you have some 'sunshine' in your day
~ cheryl


  1. Cheryl,
    I'm an admirer of his work. This then is a delicate and unique beauty!

  2. So nice to see you today Cheryl. You have been busy. That is a lot of nativities. I never put pictures directly on my computer. I have an external hard drive that I put all of mine on.

  3. Beautiful! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  4. Very beautiful Christmas project!!!

  5. congrats on your accomplishments, maybe a time for much needed break for you, dont know how you did it, I had made 65 christmas angels and my hands and wrists hurt so bad, but I sold 55, kinda made me forget the pain,lol
    Merry Christmas !!!!

  6. Indeed Cheryl, busy days around winter holidays. This nativity is so pure and beautiful. I(`ve always)loved it.
    Happy holidays and Happy New Year!!


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