Monday, February 25, 2013

~ quilled tweety bird

~ ever think of the perfect thing to say after the fact?
 I do all the time.....

if I were to do this card all over again 
I would change the sentiment to say
~ I have a tweet for you ~

{oh well....maybe next time}

here is the inspiration for this little tweety bird

Suzana from Quilling with Fun
graciously made this for me a couple of years ago
and I absolutely love it
post signature


  1. awww so cute, love the bird and like the tweet sentiment, like you said maybe next time.

  2. Wow ! This is absolutely adorable !

  3. what a beautiful art work I love all your work!
    Greetings Baukje

  4. Yes, I'm always thinking of the perfect thing to say after it's too late.
    Love the bird so cute

  5. The bird looks really cute and the cage simply blows me away!!
    Would love you to visit my blog and tell me what you think.


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