Tuesday, July 30, 2013

~ Clement & Sabrina {quilled wedding sheep part 3}

and lastly my most favourite gems of the bunch
.... quilled bride and groom 3d sheep

my customer asked for a
black sheep with a hat and bow tie
a white sheep with a glitter veil

... and this is what I came up with

I certainly am going to make more and list them in my etsy shop
but they were both done in one shot so wish me luck lol

~ Cheryl


  1. OMGoodness!! Soooooooo cute!

  2. Cuteness alert!!!!!!!!!
    Agree - they are soooooooooooooooooo BEAUTIFUL!

  3. They're a cute couple! Very neat work, love it!

  4. ba ba black sheep have you any wool? i love the black sheep!

  5. For the first time in my life I can see so elegant sheep couple! Good luck, Cheryl!

  6. Cheryl, how much better will you get? I am truly out of adjectives now! Brilliant! I love the guy better than the girl ;)

  7. These are lovely Cheryl - very cute!

  8. These are lovely Cheryl - very cute!

  9. oh wow such a adorable couple, love the hat and bow tie, you really out did yourself on these!!!!
    Sorry I havent dropped be in awhile was busy with the wedding of my Son, it was a beautiful wedding, I was so proud of them that I posted lots of pics on Face Book,lol.
    have a great week whats left of it !!!!

  10. thanks to all for the amazing comments.....


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