Tuesday, February 8, 2011

~ you are my sunshine

I have always loved the song 'you are my sunshine' and often have the tune in my head so that is my inspiration for this card....and well we are all definitely in need some sunshine I think. As usual... there are lots of pictures.

I hope your days are all full of 'sunshine'


  1. so cheery! it makes me feel happy =) reminds me of the time i used to sing the song as a kid. nice one cheryl!


  2. That song always reminds me of my dad. He used to play a guitar and that was one of the songs that he taught me how to play. We used to sing it often.
    Love that card

  3. Well, I am going to have to buy this card... And give it to my son. He's a young man now but this was one of his favourite songs as a little boy. Is it on etsy?

  4. Thanks for the comments ladies....this song seems to be an old time favourtie. Yes LC it is on etsy.

  5. Hi Cheryl
    I have another question: where do you get these awesome fonts? I don't believe that word has such nice ones.

    1. Hi Magda
      I download or purchase them from font sites on-line.


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