Tuesday, March 29, 2011

~ blog award ~

~ for a day that started with a shelf in the cupboard crashing down at 7 am
{yes I was up to cause the crash}
to the hockey stick being in the van and we have the gear in the car
{not easy to play without a stick}
to the dog sneaking out the door and me running around trying to find her
{she was hiding at the neighbours}
to only getting one card made on my only day off

it was really nice to get an email from Jennifer at Creative Quilled Creations
saying that she had nominate my little blog for an award
thanks Jennifer

Rules for the i.Rock Award
  • thank the person who gave it to you {check}
  • link back to them {check}
  • pay it forward to 4 other bloggers {check}
  • and let them know about it {check}

Here are the blogs I am passing this award on to....it was REALLY, REALLY hard to pick
Check out their blogs...you won't be disappointed

Suzana from Quilling with Fun {her quilling will knock your socks off}
Ann Martin at all things paper {her quilling is amazing too and she finds great artistis to profile}
janis from rust and ruffles {vintage style to the nth degree}
Nati from NatiQuill blog {her 3d work is amazing and is the one that inspired me to try it}

~ well after all the excitement today 
I am going to have a glass of wine


  1. Thanks so much, Cheryl! I really appreciate the award, and kudos to you and all of the other recipients too. It sounds like the timing couldn't have been better after a day like that!

  2. is wonderful, you know, my quilling art, is an inspiration, I was happy, my day
    it was beautiful! thank you very much for the comments!!

  3. you did get off to a rough start this morning didn't you? Congrats on the award. Now I've got to check out a couple of those links to blogs I didn't know about :)

  4. Cheers, Cheryl! I'm not sure about starting a day like yours but I wouldn't mind to end it with nice glass of vine. Good recipe lol
    And, of course, thank you, Cheryl, for your lovely words, giving me the award and being in such great company! When it comes from someone like you...it's really something special!
    Have a lovely weekend!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I read each and every comment and appreciate all of them.