Tuesday, January 15, 2013

~ quilled 3d penguin

 hello and happy new year from a paper {life}
yeah I am finally back blogging

I thought I would start out the new year with a blog URL that matches my header name
...but that didn't work out so well so I am back here but maybe this is where I belong anyway

I have a new computer, new photo shop and new way of storing my pics
so over the next little while I have a lot to share but I did enjoy blogging less and creating more

so that will my resolution for this year, I'll still be here but you might just not see me as much

.....so on with the sharing

 a quilled 3d penguin for a little hockey player named Matthew

Matthew LOVES penguins and LOVES hockey
needless to say he LOVED this cutie patootie

~see ya soon


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