Sunday, June 30, 2013

~ blog candy giveaway tomorrow

wanna win some blog candy???
this Oxen is just DELISH and he could be yours
 BUT today is the last day to enter
so just leave a comment on this post OR like my facebook page 
...thats it!!      that's all you hafta do to enter

since some people were confused on how to enter I've decided just to put 
all names from both my blog and facebook page in a hat and pull one
maybe it will be YOU!!

~ good luck


  1. I am not leaving this comment for the candy - I am just in love with the ox. And I want to reiterate how stunning he is, and delish too. And, if I can't have him in person, I will enjoy his virtual highness :)

  2. how come i missed your post on this oxen, it is our God and you could see the statue in any siva temple in India. This is again a stunning work from you cheryl

  3. I just liked your Facebook page. Sorry that I didn't like it before :) The Ox is adorable!!! Happy July and have a great week :)

  4. I too second Zoe's comment ! didn't drop for candy..but just to see your wonderful quilled ox !

  5. I am a great fan of quilling and a beginner. I so love your creations.thanks for the chance.

  6. what an awesome Ox, so creative !!!!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I read each and every comment and appreciate all of them.