Friday, May 23, 2014

~ memory cards

morning... it has been a while since I've done a post on memory cards
you know, the cards that I do for family and friends 
that gives everyone a chuckle...

I like doing the oldies but goodies of treasured black & whites
if you pose or wear something funny....I WILL USE IT

I like to put heads on bodies that are not their own....


and to enlarge heads and shrink bodies

and write funny captions too

 and now I am ADDICTED to Adornpic
thanks to this post from Ann at Snap, Edit, Scrap
and my family are VERY grateful too {lol}
they know that the next time they open their card it could
and most likely will, have their picture on it

I think after this post you may not look at your 
photos as only a memory but also a GIFT...
~ Cheryl

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful memories and fun with photos, cordial greetings


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