Sunday, July 13, 2014

quilled monogrammed J card

 Well I have been keeping up with my promise to blog less and create more
so it has been quiet on the blog lately but if you follow me on instagram 
or facebook you will know that I am creating more

I don't mind blogging but it is so much quicker to use social media
... and I needed more time to get creative so it is what it is

 and this monogrammed J card is one of my latest creations
for my Aunts birthday....

I will post more on the blog in the comming days
some posts with words and some just with pictures

.... but you know it will all be about quilling
cause that's what I love to do the most

hope you are staying cool and enjoying your summer
~ cheryl


  1. Hi Cheryl, your quilled monograms are perfect! Love how you have done them. I am on FB less lately but haven't blogged in almost a month. Know you want to get more done and I can't blame you. Thanks for sharing these letters! hugs xo

  2. nice colours and a lovely monogram dear


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