Wednesday, January 18, 2012

~ happy birthday Nicole

~ good morning

recently it was my nieces birthday and if you have been a follower here
for a while you have seen my memory cards before

what I've started to do was instead of making a card is I just make the card front
and add a magnet to the back so it can go on the fridge

everyone loves getting the card fronts so they can enjoy the picture 
every time they open the fridge rather than tucking it away in a box

my niece is actually blonde but in this picture she
was dressed up as Snooki for halloween
{no I didn't know who she was either...thank god for google}

and it says channeling your inner Snooki
I used a black envelope with coloured pens
{love this look}

thanks a lot for stopping by
and next time I will show you a few valentine's cards I have made
~ cheryl


  1. a good picture , and neat idea with magnet !!!

  2. She did it wit this outfit, didn`t know about Snooki :) until now.
    Your ideas are great and so perfect for cards that everybody loves!

  3. Great idea with the magnet and that is a really nice card. Never heard of Snooki before :)

  4. attaching magnet is a very good idea! Very nice card. pass on my Belated 'Happy Birthday' to Nicole. Hope she had a great day :-)


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