Monday, January 16, 2012

~ quilled stick family {special order}

~ here is a special order I did before christmas and I love how it turned out

you can see the original listing here on my etsy site
it is great how it can be customized to any family

I like how sparkle turned out but after I had mailed it I realized 
he should have had some bling or glitter glue
even just because of his name

why do all the good ideas come after it is too late
oh well

~ cheryl


  1. This card is so sweet! I love Sparkle even if is not sparkling ! And for sure the good ideas come a little late, sometimes:) Is happening to me all the time.

  2. Stick people are awesome, love there outfits, and the fish is cute even without the sparkle, maybe next time!

  3. brilliant what did you do that nicely done!
    Greetings Baukje

  4. Wonderful! Love your quilling very much!!!

  5. That is cute. I love the little fish. Better late than never on the good ideas :)

  6. cute!!! reminds me of the Setka family. but this one has a fish member. hahaha!

  7. What a sweet family - love the fish! Hugs, antonella :-)


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